Thursday, November 28, 2019
Anne Frank Research Paper Example
Anne Frank Research Paper Example Anne Frank Paper Anne Frank Paper Anne Franks Life Social Studies, Literature, Language Arts November 23, 2013 Introduction Born on June 12, 1929, in Frankfurt, Germany, Annelies Marie Frank was a Holocaust victim and a famous diarist. Judging from her diary, she was a outgoing, spirited child that got in trouble frequently. Her father, Otto Frank, was a businessman while her mother, Edith, stayed home taking care of Anne and her older sister, Margot. Her sister, Margot, was three years older than her. Anne Franks family lived a tranquil life before the Nazis pervaded the land in World War II. After the Dutch surrendered to the Nazis, the Nazis demanded the Margot was to go to a work camp. The family then hid in the empty space of Otto Franks business company called the secret annex for two years in Amsterdam . 0n August 4, 1944, a German secret police officer accompanied by four Dutch Nazis stormed into the Secret Annex, arresting everyone that was hiding there. Anne Franks family was betrayed by an anonymous tip, still anonymous to this day. Anne and her sister was sent to a concentration camp, and died of typhus in the early springtime of March 1945. Anne Frank was only fifteen when she died, and Otto frank was the only survivor of his family. Anne Franks Diary On her thirteenth birthday, Anne Frank received a red diary as a present from her parents. A majority of her entries were addressed to an imaginary friend named Kitty. While her family spent two years hiding in the cramp and dark, Anne wrote her hopes and dreams onto the diary. Anne filled a notebook with quotes from her favorite authors, original stories and the beginnings of a novel about her time in the Secret Annex. After Anne and her sister passed away, Otto Frank, her father, read the diary that was kept safe by Miep Gies and made her diary into a book because it deeply inspired him. Her diary was the story of faith, hope, and love when all was in despair. It has now been translated to sixty-seven languages, and read by millions. Below is a quote that she has wrote in her diary. Its utterly impossible for me to build my life on a foundation of chaos, suffering and death. I see the world being slowly transformed into a wilderness; I hear the approaching thunder that, one day, ill destroy us too. I feel the suffering of millions. And yet, when I look up at the sky, I somehow feel that everything will change for the better, that this cruelty too shall end, that peace and tranquility will return once more. Fun fact Through a 2009 effort by the Anne Frank Center USA, saplings from a chestnut tree that Anne Frank loved were planted at 11 sites nationwide. Anne and Margot called their father by his nickname Pim. You can visit the Franks hideaway, the Secret Annex, in Amsterdam today. One of
Monday, November 25, 2019
Volver Conjugation
Volver Conjugation Volver is a common Spanish verb that usually means to return, to come back or something similar; in the reflexive form, volverse, it also can mean to become. Volver is a stem-changing verb; to conjugate volver, change the -o- to -ue- when stressed. Volver also has an irregular past participle. Irregular forms are shown below in boldface. Translations are given as a guide and in real life may vary with context. Verbs that follow the conjugation pattern of volver include absolver, devolver, disolver, desenvolver, resolver and revolver. Infinitive of Volver volver (to return) Gerund of Volver volviendo (returning) Participle of Volver vuelto (returned) Present Indicative of Volver yo vuelvo, tà º vuelves, usted/à ©l/ella vuelve, nosotros/as volvemos, vosotros/as volvà ©is, ustedes/ellos/ellas vuelven (I return, you return, he returns, etc.) Preterite of Volver yo volvà , tà º volviste, usted/à ©l/ella volvià ³, nosotros/as volvimos, vosotros/as volvisteis, ustedes/ellos/ellas volvieron (I returned, you returned, she returned, etc.) Imperfect Indicative of Volver yo volvà a, tà º volvà as, usted/à ©l/ella volvà a, nosotros/as volvà amos, vosotros/as volvà ais, ustedes/ellos/ellas volvà an (I used to return, you used to return, he returned, etc.) Future Indicative of Volver yo volverà ©, tà º volvers, usted/à ©l/ella volver, nosotros/as volveremos, vosotros/as volverà ©is, ustedes/ellos/ellas volvern (I will return, you will return, he will return, etc.) Conditional of Volver yo volverà a, tà º volverà as, usted/à ©l/ella volverà a, nosotros/as volverà amos, vosotros/as volverà ais, ustedes/ellos/ellas volverà an (I would return, you would return, she would return, etc.) Present Subjunctive of Volver que yo vuelva, que tà º vuelvas, que usted/à ©l/ella vuelva, que nosotros/as volvamos, que vosotros/as volvis, que ustedes/ellos/ellas vuelvan (that I return, that you return, that she return, etc.) Imperfect Subjunctive of Volver que yo volviera (volviese), que tà º volvieras (volvieses), que usted/à ©l/ella volviera (volviese), que nosotros/as volvià ©ramos (volvià ©semos), que vosotros/as volvierais (volvieseis), que ustedes/ellos/ellas volvieran (volviesen) (that I return, that you return, that he return, etc.) Imperative of Volver vuelve (tà º), no vuelvas (tà º), vuelva (usted), volvamos (nosotros/as), volved (vosotros/as), no volvis (vosotros/as), vuelvan (ustedes) (return, dont return, return, lets return, etc.) Compound Tenses of Volver The perfect tenses are made by using the appropriate form of haber and the past participle, vuelto. The progressive tenses use estar with the gerund, volviendo. Sample Sentences Showing Conjugation of Volver and Similarly Conjugated Verbs Hay cosas que nunca no van a volver. (There are things that are never coming back. Infinitive.) Se ha resuelto el problema. (The problem has resolved itself. Present perfect.) El viento vuelve a complicar los aterrizajes en el aeropuerto. (The wind is complicating landings at the airport again. Present indicative.) Se prepara una solucià ³n de bromuro de sodio disolviendo 4 gramos de la sal en 50 gramos de agua. (A solution of sodium bromide is prepared by dissolving 4 grams of the salt in 50 grams of water. Gerund.) Revolvià ³ en su mente todo lo que sabà a. (Everything he knew stirred around in his mind. Preterite.) Algunas veces volvà an a ponerse las mismas ropas sin lavarlas. (Sometimes they would put on the same clothes again without washing them. Imperfect.) Sà © que volvers muy pronto. (I know you are coming back very soon. Future.) Mi amiga me dijo que le devolverà a el dinero a Harry. (My friend told me she would return the money to Harry. Conditional.) La comisià ³n pidià ³ hoy la intervencià ³n del Ministerio de Trabajo para que resuelva el conflicto laboral. (The commission today asked for the intervention of the Labor Department in order to resolve the labor conflict. Present subjunctive.) Mi presencia era suficiente para que me absolviera de los cargos. (My presence was enough for me to be absolved of the charges. Imperfect subjunctive.) No vuelvas nunca ms. (Dont ever come back again. Imperative.)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Creative & Critical Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Creative & Critical - Assignment Example plies that literature is significant features in the society with the experiences of the characters in such stories representing the developments in the contemporary society as viewed by the author. The discussion below shows the nature of this relationship by investigating issues of gender, femininity, masculinity and prescribed roles as portrayed in Tickets, please a short story by D. H Lawrence. Set at a time of war, the short story shows different times of wars in a number of contexts. With most of the young and energetic men, fighting in the World War 1 in France a other countries across the world, thus making the society vulnerable and women must take up some of the jobs previously done by men. The key thematic issues in the short story are vengeance, love and sexual war among many others. Gender roles, masculinity, prescribed roles and femininity also come out naturally given the thematic issues the short story analyses. The wartime setting in the short story is effective in showing the struggle that exists between the two sexes in the society. The various thematic issues in the short story are fundamental features that exist in the contemporary society. The development of democracies has enhanced the activities of proponents of gender equality and feminists. The society is currently liberal with women enjoying the same political, social and economic space. As such, gender roles have changed with women taking part in activities considered masculine. This implies that issues of femininity, prescribed roles and masculinity have changed. D. H. Lawrence captures the issues systematically in his novel a feature that makes it easy to compare his thematic issues to the developments in the contemporary society. Annie Stone and a group of numerous other girls are working as conductors in trains, which then became only and reliable mode of transport in the country. Their job is crucial since they keep the country moving. The women work hard in an unfamiliar
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Market Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Market Analysis - Assignment Example In the course of the Choice-based study, I looked at three main attributes: Region, Brand and Price. Each attribute had two main options. Region had a not well-known region and well known region. Brand had a not well-known brand and well-known brand. Finally, price had low and high price. Each choice set was accompanied by three distinct alternatives. The two options assigned to each factor were based on the evaluation of the desired choice. In conjoint analysis, the two options are referred to as levels. To be able to have a clear understanding of the attributes and levels of the product (wine) each attribute encompassed a number of aspects. For instance, brand included aspects such as the producer, distributer and the retailer while region mainly represented the location of the product that is the manufacturing place and distribution place. The advantage of using a conjoint analysis is because it provides a choice that is discrete and it is able to put a dollar value on the attributes and their levels. This study adapted a choice based conjoint category where every respondent selects only one alternative based on the on a given choice set. However, the choices may tend not to contain all the alternatives (Wiley, 2010, p.36). Below is a table showing a summary of the product attributes and the levels that were tested in this analysis: Given the choice set of the response alternatives for the eight choice design set, the conjoint model is mainly used to determine the overall best alternative based on the choices within the attribute utility scores. A choice set refers to a set of alternatives. In the course of determining the best alternative, the respondent may not be in a position to use all the alternatives that are present. The utility scores derived from the Choice-Based study with an increase of $ 5 in price are represented in the table below: Each attribute level score together with the scores
Monday, November 18, 2019
Summay of UAE auditing Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Summay of UAE auditing Law - Assignment Example his paper intends to provide a rich review on the elements that encompass the United Arab Emirates auditing law in regard to the organization of the auditing profession. The Law has it chapters each containing a number of articles therein. Each chapter handles one perspective explicitly the first chapter has only one article the main thing herein is the definition of terms therein used or referred in the law. Chapter two is on the schedule of auditors and qualifications for entry therein. The following get stipulated in this chapter the function of the ministry in regard to the scheduling of auditors, mechanisms to prevent quacks from entering the industry, the rights of a member and the qualifications, the exception of nationals from the qualification of having a bachelor degree in a recognized university as stipulated, in clause five of article four, conditions for registration and registration of a qualified but inexperienced national, conditions for a non-national to be registered, the method of auditors training, and function of the ministry in the determination of remunerations for parties involved in the training Chapter three expounds on the application process for one to be a registered auditing practitioner, the enactment and operation of the committee responsible for the application process, and the role of the ministry of Economics and Commerce in the integration of the whole application process. Chapter four provides a layout of the formation, the constitution and authorities of a high audit commission in regard to the directions of the ministry therein concerned (Alexander, 2002). Chapter five tackles the rights and duties of individuals registered to be auditing practitioners. Under this chapter auditor own the right to audit and approve balance sheets of all organizations, right to observe and maintain professional ethics, right not to be involved in active participation of any cooperation or organization, must have more than five years
Friday, November 15, 2019
Rules and Regulations of University
Rules and Regulations of University 1. CONTEXT. This assignment is the part of Pgd program, which is submitted under the rules regulations of university to MR.Hashim Hirani In this assignment I searched on CIPD, means The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development Company and I find material about grievances dismissals and disciplinary procedures in CIPD. This assignment is organised to cover Harvard referencing. 2. Why are disciplinary and grievance procedures necessary? Disciplinary and grievance procedures provide a clear and transparent framework to deal with difficulties which may arise as part of their working relationship from either the employers or employees perspective. They are necessary to ensure that everybody treated in the same way in similar circumstances, To ensure issues are dealt with fairly and reasonably, that employers are compliant with current legislation and follow the Acas code of practice for handling disciplinary and grievance issues. Disciplinary procedures are needed: So employees know what is expected of them in term of standards of performance or conduct. To identify obstacles to individuals achieving the required standards. as an opportunity to agree suitable goals and timescales for improvement in an individuals performance. To try to resolve matters without recourse to an employment tribunal. As a point of reference for an employment tribunal should someone make a complaint about the way they have been dismissed? Grievance procedures are needed: To provide individuals with a course of action should they have a complaint which they are unable to resolve through regular communication with line manager? To provide points of contact and timescales to resolve issues of concern. To try to resolve matters without recourses to an employment tribunal. 2.1 The legal position. The statutory procedures for handling discipline and grievance issues introduced in October 2004 were widely, although the provisions were only in force for less than five years, the statutory dispute resolution procedures were repealed in their entirety with effect from 6 April 2009 when the provisions of the employment act 2008 were implemented. From 6 April 2009 the important provisions governing discipline and grievances at work are to be found in: The Employment Act 2008 The Employment Tribunals (Constitution and Rules of Procedure) (Amendment) Regulations 2008 Numerous other pieces of legislation cross refer to discipline and grievance issues: The Employment Rights Act 1996 as amended The Employment Rights Dispute Resolution Act 1998 The Employment Relations Act 1999 The Employment Rights Act 2004. 2.2 Disciplinary policy and practice in CPID. There are two type of disciplinary system may b used Capability/performance and conduct 2.3 Capability/performance. It is inevitable that at some stage all employers will encounter difficulties with the performance of their employees in the workplace. Many employers will have a specific capability procedure to deal with such matters. It is good practice and also more efficient that such issues are addressed informally, as and when they arise. Only when informal options have been exhausted and where there is no alternative should managers enter a more disciplinary or capability procedures. Situation where an individual in unable to do their job because of ill health may also fall into this category. In these instances an employee should be dealt with sympathetically and offered support. However, unacceptable levels of absence could still result in the employer making the warning. 2.4 Conduct. Employee misconduct could range from continued lateness, failure to follow a reasonable management instruction, abuse of the organization computer system or internet access, bullying behavior or creating a hostile work environment, through to theft, fighting, and any other criminal offences. The more grave offences may constitute gross misconduct. 2.5 Stage of the process. If disciplinary action is to be taken, it should always have three terms. Letter Meeting Appeal There must always be a full and fair investigation. 2.6 Record keeping. All records should be kept as this will be vital should a case be taken to an employment tribunal. The type of records may b meeting, emails, attendance notes, telephone calls, and post etc. 2.7 Handing disciplinary interviews. All line managers should be trained and supported so that they are able to carry out disciplinary meetings with their team. The HR department should be able to assist them by providing a source of advice on preparing for and conducting the interview and relevant legislation. The key points to consider are: Ensure all the facts are investigated in advance. make sure the employee knows from the letter inviting them to the meeting why they have been asked. Make sure the individual has reasonable notice, ideally more than 72 hours, and that they have chance to arrange an appropriate representative if they wish. Provide appropriate statement from people involved in advance of the meeting Make sure another member of management can be there to take details notes. Never pre-judge the outcome of the interview before the hearing. Start the interview by stating the complaint to the employee and referring statement from people involved. Give employee opportunity to put forward their side of the story and call any supporting witnesses. Make use of adjournments always take a break to consider and obtain any extra information you need before reaching your decision. You can alsotake breaks if things become heated or people are upset during the interview. Deliver the decision confirms review periods and ensures you give details of how to appeal. Confirm the decision in writing. 2.8 Potential outcomes. 2.9 No action. After the meeting, the employer may decide that no action is necessary. If an employee was unclear about what was expected from them and they agree to try to resolve the issue via additional support or counseling. 2.10 Warnings. Alternatively, the employer may decide to give the employee a warning. An organizations policy should outline exactly what warnings will be given, but the following are examples of warnings organization may use: Verbal/ oral warning First written warning/improvement notice Final written warning. First written warning 6 months Final written warning 1 year 2.11 Dismissal. There are currently six potentially fair reasons for dismissal. Employers need to be sure that any decision to dismiss an employee will be seen as reasonable by an employment tribunal. The employer must follow the ACAS code prior to any dismissal and also have been fair overall, by complying with internal procedures, treating employees consistently and carrying out a proper investigation. 2.12 Grievance policy and practice. It is essential that grievances from employees are treated in the same fair manner and all line and senior manager must be familiar with their organisation grievance procedure. There are a number of other factors to hear in mind when dealing with grievance concerning harassment. 2.13 Handling grievances informally. Individuals should be encouraged to discuss ordinary, day to day issues informally with their line manager. This helps concerns to be heard and responded to as soon as possible. Where this has been unsuccessful, or circumstances make route for the individuals, then matters should be raised formally through the grievance procedure. 2.14 Handling grievances formally. Employees should also be aware about formal route as well, this including, The three stages of the statutory procedure and any further elements of the organisations additional procedures. with whom to raise the complaint. Timescales within which the organisation will seek to deal with the complaint. Details of the stages of the grievance procedure. An employee should be given the right to be accompanied to grievance hearings by a colleague or trade union representative. As in disciplinary matters, record keeping is important and the ACAS CODE should be followed. 2.15 CIPD VIEWPOINT. Ensuring that people are treated fairly and enabling them to work in a non hostile environment are important factors in the creation of a productive working environment. The CIPD believes that where possible employers and employees should seek to resolve most matters that arise in the course of the working relationship informally. This kind of things makes easy to resolved minor concerns speedily without take any formal action. It also helps to reduce any personal embarrassment in discussing issues of concern. Disciplinary and grievance procedures are essential when informal are ineffective, or where they are inappropriate given the nature of the issue arising. These procedures can also helps to prevent unnecessary staff turnover and absenteeism. And also helps to avoid costly and time consuming tribunal cases. It is essential that those implementing these procedures have the necessary training and guidance to do so, in line not just with minimum legal obligation but also with that principle of fairness and natural justice that is why CIPD staff turnover very low and people raised most of time their issues informally 3 References. ACAS. (2004) Disciplinary and grievance procedures. Code of Practice 1. London: Acas. ACAS. (2009) Disciplinary and grievance procedures. Code of Practice 1. London: Acas. Available at:
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Internal And External Economies Of Scale :: Economics
Internal And External Economies Of Scale When a company reduces costs and increases production, internal economies of scale have been achieved. External economies of scale occur outside of a firm, within an industry. Thus, when an industry's scope of operations expand due to for example the creation of a better transportation network, resulting in a subsequent decrease in cost for a company working within that industry, external economies of scale are said to have been achieved. With external ES, all firms within the industry will benefit. Economies Of Scale In addition to specialization and the division of labor, within any company there are various inputs that may result in the production of a good and/or service: * Lower input costs: when a company buys inputs in bulk, say for example potatoes used to make French fries at a fast food chain; it can take advantage of volume discounts. (In turn, the farmer from which sold the potatoes could also be achieving ES if the farm has lowered its average input costs through, for example, buying fertilizer in bulk at a volume discount). * Costly inputs: some inputs, such as research and development, advertising, managerial expertise and skilled labor are expensive, but because of the possibility of increased efficiency with such inputs, can lead to a decrease in the average cost of production and selling. If a company is able to spread the cost of such inputs over an increase in its production units, ES can be realized. Thus, if the fast food chain chooses to spend more money on technology to eventually increase efficiency by lowering the average cost of hamburger assembly, it would also have to increase the number of hamburgers it produces a year in order to cover the increased technology expenditure. * Specialized inputs: as the scale of production of a company increases, a company can employ the use of specialized labor and machinery resulting in greater efficiency. This is because workers would be better qualified for a specific job, for example someone who only makes French fries, and would no longer be spending extra time learning to do work not within their specialization (making hamburgers or taking a customer's order). Machinery, such as a dedicated French fry maker, would also have a longer life as it would not have to be over and/or improperly used. * Techniques and Organizational inputs: with a larger scale of production, a company may also apply better organizational skills to its resources, such as a clear-cut chain of command, while improving its techniques for production and distribution. Thus, behind the counter employees at the fast food chain may be organized according to those taking in-house orders and those Internal And External Economies Of Scale :: Economics Internal And External Economies Of Scale When a company reduces costs and increases production, internal economies of scale have been achieved. External economies of scale occur outside of a firm, within an industry. Thus, when an industry's scope of operations expand due to for example the creation of a better transportation network, resulting in a subsequent decrease in cost for a company working within that industry, external economies of scale are said to have been achieved. With external ES, all firms within the industry will benefit. Economies Of Scale In addition to specialization and the division of labor, within any company there are various inputs that may result in the production of a good and/or service: * Lower input costs: when a company buys inputs in bulk, say for example potatoes used to make French fries at a fast food chain; it can take advantage of volume discounts. (In turn, the farmer from which sold the potatoes could also be achieving ES if the farm has lowered its average input costs through, for example, buying fertilizer in bulk at a volume discount). * Costly inputs: some inputs, such as research and development, advertising, managerial expertise and skilled labor are expensive, but because of the possibility of increased efficiency with such inputs, can lead to a decrease in the average cost of production and selling. If a company is able to spread the cost of such inputs over an increase in its production units, ES can be realized. Thus, if the fast food chain chooses to spend more money on technology to eventually increase efficiency by lowering the average cost of hamburger assembly, it would also have to increase the number of hamburgers it produces a year in order to cover the increased technology expenditure. * Specialized inputs: as the scale of production of a company increases, a company can employ the use of specialized labor and machinery resulting in greater efficiency. This is because workers would be better qualified for a specific job, for example someone who only makes French fries, and would no longer be spending extra time learning to do work not within their specialization (making hamburgers or taking a customer's order). Machinery, such as a dedicated French fry maker, would also have a longer life as it would not have to be over and/or improperly used. * Techniques and Organizational inputs: with a larger scale of production, a company may also apply better organizational skills to its resources, such as a clear-cut chain of command, while improving its techniques for production and distribution. Thus, behind the counter employees at the fast food chain may be organized according to those taking in-house orders and those
Monday, November 11, 2019
Satire and irony by Jonathan Swift
Satire and irony are the main literary tools used by Jonathan Swift in A Modest Proposal and Gulliverââ¬â¢s Travels. The author has used irony to create satire in making the audience see the deeper truths within the prevailing social, moral and political circumstances prevailing during the time. While making a comparison between A Modest Proposal and Gulliverââ¬â¢s Travels, one can see that the author has used satire, irony and satirical settings in highlighting the problems and contradictions present in society. The author also intends to make comments on such circumstances without intentionally addressing the reader for his response. In both A Modest Proposal and Gulliverââ¬â¢s Travels, Jonathan Swift has used irony and satire to achieve certain goals primarily because of the disparity in the structure of each work. There is a strong variance in the use of satire in A Modest Proposal and Gulliverââ¬â¢s Travels. A Modest Proposal is certainly a satire which aims at making people of that period to realize the patterns of cold and calculated callousness demonstrated by forthright rationalism in dealing with issues related to poverty and over population. Swiftââ¬â¢s works fall under two kinds of satire; the formal and the indirect. Formal satire is narrated in first person while indirect satire is in the form of the character appealing to the audience. A Modest Proposal is an indirect satire since the author speaks on behalf of a character who proposes to provide solutions to an audience that is primarily anonymous while addressing the political economy. The satire used by Swift in A Modest Proposal is aptly demonstrated by the following; I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London, that a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee or a ragoutâ⬠(Swift, 1996). The irony in A Modest Proposal has been presented by the author mainly through characterization whereby the speaker makes the proposals. For example the speaker in A Modest Proposal who is ironic is able to discuss coldly about the social and economic advantages of killing children and then eating them without a tinge or presence of any thought being given to the related moral problems. The irony exhibited by this character does reveal that he can just go on criticizing the moral weak points of mothers who undergo immoral acts such as abortions and committing infanticide. In a dramatic and very ironic statement, one of the characters in A Modest Proposal balks at the prospect of eating teen-agers because it amounts to cruelty, which is in stark contrast to the other suggestions in it. The characters in A Modest Proposal use satire and irony in indirectly telling the readers to ignore the other options and ideas thus giving an example of being represented by the most terrible social planners and politicians. The character can make ironical statements in making them to appear perfectly economical without appearing to comprehend the appalling nature of the same. For example, on one occasion the character talks about selling children as food, which is narrated in A Modest Proposal as ââ¬Å"I grant this food [children] will be somewhat dear, and therefore very proper for landlords, who, as they have already devoured most of the parents, seem to have the best title to the children. â⬠Indeed this is a very powerful statement in being disguised as being the meaning that conveys the philosophy of the speaker and in addressing the fact that the rich land owners of England and Ireland had taken away all that the poor inhabitants had. Such ironic narrations in A Modest Proposal convey to the reader in a rather cold manner about how childrenââ¬â¢s skin can be used in making â⬠¦ ââ¬Å"admirable gloves for ladies and summer boots for fine gentlemenâ⬠. It appears quite normal and nothing extraordinary for the narrator to rattle out such ironical words in implying as if it was something very simple and beautiful. The inherent irony in A Modest Proposal does make the reader understand the dangers involved in blindly adhering to a single philosophy especially when the entire population is likely to be adversely influenced. Verbal irony is the main figure of speech in A Modest Proposal, whereby the character says exactly the opposite of what he intends to mean. Swift has tactfully used such a device in making his arguments about the Irish people deserving improved conduct from the English, which is indeed extremely amusing and powerful. In pointing out that the Irish should not be ill treated as animals, Swift has written, ââ¬Å"I rather recommend buying the children alive, and dressing them hot from the knife, as we do roasting pigs. In Gulliverââ¬â¢s Travels, Jonathan Swift has made the bureaucracy of England as the main target of irony and satire. Gulliverââ¬â¢s Travels is primarily a work of satire. According to Rodino , ââ¬Å"Gulliver is neither a fully developed character nor even an altogether distinguishable persona; rather, he is a satiric device enabling Swift to score satirical pointsâ⬠(Rodino, 1992). Sure the work begins with a lot of satire in attacking the different political machines. Primarily, however, Gulliver's Travels is a work of satire. ââ¬Å"Gulliver is neither a fully developed character nor even an altogether distinguishable persona; rather, he is a satiric device enabling Swift to score satirical pointsâ⬠(Rodino, 1992). Indeed, whereas the work begins with more specific satire, attacking perhaps one political machine or aimed at one particular custom in each instance, it finishes with ââ¬Å"the most savage onslaught on humanity ever written,â⬠satirizing the whole of the human condition. Murry, 1972). During the time of Swift, the monarchy in England had lot of influence in most realms including law despite the increasing power of the bureaucracy. It is this aspect which has been made as the object of satire in Gulliverââ¬â¢s Travels by way of the actions of the Lilliputians who take detailed stock of the possessions of Gulliver and in being prone to making official proclamations about the factors that governed the life of Gulliver along with that of the other citizens. This is evident from what Gulliver remarks in an important quote from Gulliverââ¬â¢s Travels, ââ¬Å"I could not sufficiently wonder at the intrepidity of these diminutive mortals, who durst venture to mount and walk on my body, while one of my hands was at liberty, without trembling at the sight of prodigious creature as I must appear to themâ⬠(Swift, 1983). Such overpowering self importance is an example of the satire used by Jonathan Swift in Gulliverââ¬â¢s Travels. It can be seen that a small and unimportant matter can be transformed and made into a bureaucratic and political issue of great importance. The satire is also evident for example when there is a war between Blefuscu and Lilliput because the Emperor cut his finger with an egg shell and there was no consensus about the best way to break the egg. This is evident from the quote from the book, ââ¬Å"Whereupon the Emperor published an edict, commanding all his subjects, under great penalties, to break the smaller end of their eggs. The people so highly resented this law, that our histories tell us there have been six rebellions raised on this accountâ⬠(Swift, 1983). The war had specifically broken out between Blefuscu and Lilliput because the debate ended without any conclusion being arrived at in regard to interpreting which end of the egg was smaller. For the author of Gulliverââ¬â¢s Travels, Lilliput represents England while Blefuscu represents France. In narrating this story, Swift has satirized the aimless bickering and power struggle between the two countries. The introduction of Lilliput in Gulliverââ¬â¢s Travels is indicative of an absurd and miniature England instead of a distant Utopia. In conveying the description of the government and the land it is made clear that despite the Lilliputians suffering from the same faults as present in the English society, they possessed several principles that allowed them to have a Utopian existence, particularly when its comparison was made with England. After Gulliver escapes from Lilliput he goes to England and returns back to sea after some time. This time he lands in a strange land where he is the smaller one as compared to Llliput but is alone in this world and when he does encounter the first inhabitants he gets scared, ââ¬Å"for as human creatures are observed to be more savage in proportion to their bulkâ⬠(Swift, 1983). This indicates that Swift has used satire in attacking humanity for their ways. The satire in Gulliverââ¬â¢s Travels reaches the pinnacle whereby ââ¬Å"Swift put his most biting, hard lines, that speak against not only the government, but human nature itselfâ⬠(Paij, 2009). Using a great deal of irony, Swift makes Gulliver to come in contact with the Yahoos when he comments about a Yahoo, ââ¬Å"My horror and astonishment are not to be described, when I observed in this abdominal animal a perfect human figureâ⬠(Swift, 1983). Gulliver ponders that the basic difference between him and the yahoo was the absence of clothes and cleanliness; otherwise the animal was no less than a human. In making such narrations Swift achieved his goal in expressing the satire in showing that humans have overpowering flaws which ultimately lead to the degradation of man. He has used a satirical technique in Gulliverââ¬â¢s Travels in order to attack modernity. He is seen as being concerned about the enhanced power of Europeans throughout the world, the nastiness of the privileged and the increasing importance of wealth for achieving happiness in life (Harold, 1986). Swift took Gulliver on four voyages which made him have a larger understanding of the flaws in human nature. Gulliverââ¬â¢s perceptions about humans and the world change and it is the change in his narrations that conveys the authorââ¬â¢s social commentary and satire. Gulliverââ¬â¢s image of humans is not much influenced after the first voyage and so is the case for the second one. But his image of humans declines steadily by the end of the fourth voyage when he comes across the Yahoos. It is in this way that Swift has presented his opinion about human conditions.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Political Science essays
Political Science essays The uses of politics and power vary widely throughout the world today. They have variety throughout history. Not all governments give power to the people, as our government does. In some nations, the freedom we enjoy every day is not permitted to anyone except a few rulers. In some countries, the government controls industries. In others, such as ours, private individual control industries, although there are government rules they must follow. In some countries, monarchs (such as kings or queens) may rule. In other countries a prime minister, president, or dictator may rule. There are many forms of government. Is one best? Here are a few of the forms of government most commonly found in existence in the world today: Republic: The term republic comes from the Latin words res publica. It means the thing of the people. A republic actually belongs to the people. It is a form of government in which the people elect the representatives who rule the country. The representatives are responsible to the people for the laws that are made. The people can reelect the representatives if they are pleased with the government. In most republics, the right to vote is held only by the citizens of the country. A republic is sometimes referred to as a representative democracy. Ancient Rome and Ecuador are two examples of republics. Democracy: In a democracy, like a republic, the people hold the ruling power. The difference is that the people rule directly in a democracy. The word democracy comes from two Greek words which together mean power of the people demos kratos. Instead of electing representatives to rule the government, citizens in a democracy meet to make laws and run the country themselves. (The idea of democracy began in the city-sates of Ancient Greece, particularly the city-state of Athens.) Today, there are few pure democr ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Isaac Kolevski Essays - Karen McCarthy Brown, Religious Studies
Isaac Kolevski Essays - Karen McCarthy Brown, Religious Studies Isaac Kolevski RLGN 201 Professor Howe 11/21 /16 Reflection 5 Vodou locates fault not inside persons (which by rendering them evil exposes them to harsh moral proselytism if not persecution or destruction for their own good) but in relationships between persons in the social field. As a healing medium, vodou seeks to dissolve whatever is holding people in hostile and antagonistic relations. It may be quite extreme in this work on unblocking, heating up the contradictions, conflicts, and inconsistencies within a person or in the social setting - disorienting, shocking at times - in order to create a liberating and revealing excitement. In Brown's account, vodou is the paradigmatic idiom by which a poor, politically oppressed, economically marginalized people live their lives with grace, dignity, and compassion in the spaces between the absolutes composed by intellectuals of more politically powerful and materially comfortable regimes. (Orsi,196) In this passage , Orsi is detailing a method of ethical evaluation and the study of causal relationships between ethics and social factors. Vodou is a Hattian method of healing and understanding that emphasizes aspects of humans and the individual person's relationship to society as being unique and diverse. Orsi applies this thinking as well as deductions about this religion by an anthropologist named Karen McCarthy Brown to discuss a different approach to religious study and thought than what much of America participates in. This alternative that he proposes does not demonize an individual that has transgressed or offended society, but focuses on the relations that individual has with society; economically, politically and intellectually. Through this method of study the offender is not torn apart or cast as an outlier by the public, but rather looks at how environmental factors led to the transgression that this individual committed. Taking on a vodou frame of thought, one would realize that the offenders are generally marginalized, alienated or feeling powerless in their life that is dominated by a group they are not a part of. This alienation fuels actions by individuals that can seem heinous or unable to be understood by the general public. Orsi wants to identify cause and effect relationships in these actions and how systematic oppression, religious contradictions and other points of conflict an individual will experience. This passage relates to a struggle of limiting bias and blame in religious study while still pursuing accurate understanding of faith and human action. This is a method that has not necessarily been addressed in class before. Orsi like other thinkers, does not want the "bad" in religion to be written off or covered up in religious study, but the sociological approach Orsi takes is somewhat different than other thinkers. Looking at religion as a way to cope with unfairness in life would fit this school of thought well. Fringe thinkers and extremists fit into this well as those who take action to regain their "fairness" or power that society has deprived them of. Extremists can exploit discontent in other people to build a following and structure followers' thoughts into a state where radical actions are likely to take place. In religious studies, specifically fringe or cult religion, the way of thinking that Orsi and Brown put forth seems to be a beneficial tool t o promote clarity .
Monday, November 4, 2019
Hurricane Katrina - New Orleans Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Hurricane Katrina - New Orleans - Research Paper Example Hurricanes basically originate due to the temperature difference between the land and the sea. The peak time of these tropical cyclones is during the September season. The month of May is usually inactive with regard to the tropical cyclones because the temperature difference is the least. The cyclones formed in the Atlantic Ocean in the end of the summer season are referred to as tropical cyclones because they usually originate from tropical locations and one more fact that makes them different from normal cyclones is that their cores or center of the large spiral is warmer as compared to any other part of the spiral at any point of height. The spiral of the cyclone comprises of thunderstorm clouds that are ready to burst out and hence when they move they produce high and strong winds and heavy rainfalls. A special characteristic of tropical cyclones is that they have extremely low atmospheric pressures. Some of the pressures of tropical cyclones are the least that have been recorde d above the seas. Several factors have been found out as the reason for the origination of tropical cyclones but still not all the responsible factors have been discovered and tropical cyclones are a common topic of research and study (Reider, & Connecticut, 1999). The year 2005 was a devastating year with respect to the hurricanes and tropical cyclones that it brought with itself. Each year almost around 10 tropical cyclones originate and around half of them turn into hurricanes and a half of that lie in the severe category but the Atlantic hurricane season of the year 2005 was an extremely active season in which almost 27 tropical cyclones originated and around 17 of them turned into hurricanes and there were 7 hurricanes that fell into the severe category that is of category 3 or above. Among these severe hurricanes one was named Katrina and this was the deadliest hurricane as compared to other hurricanes. Hurricane Katrina has been placed in the category five if the hurricanes
Friday, November 1, 2019
Brand Management Take Home Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Brand Management Take Home Exam - Essay Example Apple primarily tries to go for cutting edge technology which is a strong marketing proposition that it tries to integrate in all of its product offerings. This is the reason why Apple is highly associated with quality. Having an Apple brand would mean getting the right quality of product offering. The cutting-edge technology is a substantial product strategy of Apple and it truly invests in this area because this is a good marketing strategy that entices the target market. Apple is good at stimulating market needs and this is truly emphasized by its brand features on highly advanced technology and product design. There must be something about the product in order for it to be more attractive in the market (Belch and Belch 1998, 69; Boone and Kurtz 2008, 56; Kotler et al. 1999, 89). On the other hand, in line with marketing program investment for product, Apple brand substantially considers innovating possibilities. Apple is one of the leading brands in its industry on differentiatio n. The product innovation is clearly one of Apple brandââ¬â¢s competitive strategy and this highlights its capacity to be the leading brand in the market. Apple brand is known for its distinctive market campaign. Since it is good at stimulating needs, it has to strategically invest in distinctive marketing campaign as part of its dynamic communication for its brand. Apple brand is widely heard on national televisionââ¬â¢s commercials, print advertisements, posters in public areas and wrap advertisement campaigns. Customer Mindset Marketing is clearly an important component in spreading Apple brand and especially on the part of how it creates impact on customersââ¬â¢ mindset. It is in this move that the brand has important goal to substantially stimulate customersââ¬â¢ needs. In line with this, it has become so easy for Apple to influence customersââ¬â¢ awareness about its brand through emphasizing its innovative products. Its innovation comes in different areas but th ey all substantially focused on differentiation in general. With this differentiation, customers are given the chance to be aware on specific issues about what makes Apple different from other brands. This is a specific area where Apple brand is successful about creating awareness for its target market especially on its innovative new product design and technology. It is in line with this that Apple tries to integrate in its brand the customer loyalty by serving high quality brand and highly on time to satisfy customers. It is through this that Apple brand develop a certain level of customer loyalty for its brand. This is a specific component of attachment that is developed at the mindset of customers. Market Performance In the United States, the best-price strategy compared to low-cost strategy is tantamount to high quality standard of product or service offering. This is the reason why customers are willing to pay for high price and it is expected that such is highly associated wi th high standard quality. It is a challenge then among products with premium prices to achieve certain level of customersââ¬â¢ expectations. Apple brand is successful in satisfying customersââ¬â¢ expectations. This justifies its premium price to speak for itself and this further means that Apple strategy to go for best price is tantamount to high standard quality and customer satisfaction. Apple brand is primarily the leading innovator in its industry. Its name cannot be highly disregarded by its competitors. The bottom line is that it has achieved
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